If you have completed a defensive driving course, you may be able to save on your auto insurance premiums when buying a new or used car either by financing, leasing or through bank car loan.
Regulatory traffic signs instruct drivers what they should, or should not do, in certain circumstances. You will be asked to identify roadway signs on the Florida Permit Test.
What To Expect From Florida DMV Driving Test
The last step towards getting your license in the state of Florida will be the DMV Road Test, aka the Behind-The-Wheel test. By now, you should have passed your written test and driven at least 50 hours on your learners permit with a licensed driver 21 years or older. The road test is designed for you to demonstrate all that you’ve learned and prove that you’re fully capable of operating an automobile. The good news is that everything on the road test will be things you’ll find familiar from the written test. The difference is that you’ll be expected to put your knowledge into real-life practice on the road.
Along with a completed form stating you’ve driven at least 50 hours, signed by yourself and any licensed adult who rode with you, you’ll also need to provide your own automobile for the test. The automobile must be in good working order with all mirrors, lights, and other essential mechanisms fully functional. The instructor will be beside you in the vehicle, watching and directing you throughout the test. As you drive, they’ll be directing you towards a series of circumstance for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the road. This includes things like stopping at crosswalks, switching lanes, and obeying signs and traffics signals. They’ll also be watching to make sure you’re driving safely and properly, so you’ll also be graded on your posture, how well you stay in your lane, following at a safe distance, and other kinds of safe driving conduct. Be sure to review the Florida Driver’s Handbook for a complete list of all the maneuvers and situations you’ll need to be prepared for in order to pass.
Like the written test, it’s helpful to review the material beforehand in order to prepare yourself for the actual test. At Driver Knowledge, we provide free practice tests and other materials to help you every step of the way towards getting your license. Visit us here to learn more and take advantage of these resources to give yourself the best chance of passing on the first try.