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Driving Tips

DriverKnowledge is a blog for drivers of all levels of experience. Our team of experts provides tips, advice, and resources to help you stay safe on the road. Check out our website for more information!

Learn how to drive safely with our tips and advice from the experts at DriverKnowledge. We’ll help you stay safe on the road and avoid accidents.

Safe Driving Tips for the Winter

You live in a region where snow is inevitable, and you don’t have the luxury of staying indoors. A visit to friends, family or some errand forces you to take your car out and cruise along. Read on for some Safe Driving Tips to drive safely in winter we are sure you’ll appreciate. Make sure your

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Safe Driving Tips

How to Save Gas by Driving Smart

Saving gas by driving might seem like a contradiction, but how you drive can affect the amount of gas you use. There are many simple things you can do that will reduce the amount of gasoline your car uses, which in turn will save you money. 1. Do not allow your car to warm up

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Gas saving tips

Essential Driving Tips for Teens: Arrive Alive – What You Need to Know After You Have Your License

Finally! All your hard work has led to this day. You studied and practiced and learned all you could about responsible driving. Took the driver’s test, and passed it with ease. And now – you have that laminated card that proves that you, too, have joined the ranks of licensed drivers. You are “street legal”.

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Essential Driving Tips for Teens: Gain Confidence with Baby Steps

Your first time behind the wheel can be intimidating. All those unfamiliar knobs and switches remind you of an airplane cockpit. And now you’re expected to take the wheel in your hands and actually control this monster? If you weren’t at least a bit nervous, you wouldn’t be human. You can harness your anxiety and

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Essential Driving Tips for Teens: Hitting the Highway for the First Time

Taking your car out on the highway is much different from practicing in your driveway or in a safe venue like an empty parking lot. Leave the nest behind and all kinds of things can happen. You’re subjected to stimuli from all sides. You realize that there’s real traffic out there. You have to navigate

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