This online DMV Florida driving test practice, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the DMV written knowledge test that is required before you can get your driver’s license.

Florida Rules

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If your license expires:

2 / 30

How many points will be recorded against your license for passing a stopped school bus?

3 / 30

If you refuse to take a breath or blood alcohol level test:

4 / 30

Your license can be SUSPENDED if you:

5 / 30

Driving a motor vehicle in Florida is:

6 / 30

If you do not have the proper insurance:

7 / 30

You must dim your lights to low beams within ____ feet of a vehicle coming toward you.

8 / 30

Any driver under 21 years of age who is stopped by law enforcement and has a breath or blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have their driving privilege suspended for:

9 / 30

You may not pass within ___ feet of a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, or railroad crossing

10 / 30

The ___________________ must wear seat belt.

11 / 30

If you are behind other vehicles, use low beams when you are within ___ feet of the vehicle ahead.

12 / 30

Florida law requires that you take the keys out of your vehicle before leaving it.

13 / 30

When does the law require lights on vehicles to be turned on?

14 / 30

What is the minimum age at which you can get a Learner's Driver License?

15 / 30

All children __ years of age or younger must use a restraint device When riding in a motor vehicle.

16 / 30

In a roundabout, a driver should drive in:

17 / 30

How far must you park from a fire hydrant?

18 / 30

How many points will be recorded against your license for leaving the scene of a crash resulting in property damage of more than $50?

19 / 30

You must obtain a new license within __ days of any change to your mailing or residential address.

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What is the minimum age at which you can get a Class E License?

21 / 30

The speed limit in City and Town Areas unless otherwise posted is:

22 / 30

Parking is not allowed within __ feet of an intersection.

23 / 30

If you move to Florida and have a valid license from another state, you must get a Florida license within __ days of becoming a resident.

24 / 30

A person who holds a Learner's license must be accompanied by a licensed driver, ________ of age or older, who occupies the front passenger seat closest to the right of the driver.

25 / 30

Vehicle license plates and registrations must be renewed every:

26 / 30

The law requires that the wheels of the parked vehicle are within what maximum distance from the curb?

27 / 30

Parking or standing is not allowed within 30 feet of:

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You can be put in jail or made to pay a fine for the following offense(s):

29 / 30

When approaching a railway crossing where an electrical or mechanical signal device is warning of the approach of train, you must stop:

30 / 30

Do not park a vehicle within __ feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing.

Your score is


Florida Driving Test

This Florida Driving Test, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the Florida written knowledge test that is required before you can get your driver’s license. Passing the Florida DMV permit test is as easy as 1 2 3 using our online interactive driving practice tests with high quality images. Study for this driver’s license practice test is completely free.

Use the Driver’s Handbook Wisely – It’s usually the first reference you’re directed to, and for good reason. The Florida driver’s handbook is the single greatest resource you have for passing your permit test, so read it cover to cover, then read it again. Yes, some of what’s inside is just common sense, but don’t think you can just skim through sections. You’re going to be asked questions from every area of the manual, so you need to absorb as much info as possible to pass the test (and be a safer driver). Every test is a little different, but you can expect a variety of questions asking for specific information. What do the different patterns of lane dividers tell you about passing? What do the shapes of road signs say about their meaning? What are the assumed speed limits in certain areas? What should you do in specific emergency conditions? To answer these kinds of questions, you need to pay special attention to any specific information you come across in the handbook. Make notes and write down pieces of specific info as you come across them; the notes make easy reference and the act of writing out information will help you remember.

A person who repeatedly fails the exam may lose hope and confidence. Failure can also delay or disrupt important life goals and activities. Few employers want to hire someone without a reliable source of transportation. The ability to drive is often a necessity for everyday life. By approaching the permit and license exam the right way, anyone can succeed.